M&m ServicesM&m ServicesM&m ServicesM&m ServicesM&m ServicesM&m ServicesM&m ServicesM&m Services


We offer amongst others:

  • Longlisting
  • Shortlisting
  • Database updates
  • Training
  • Administration

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M&m Services


Recruitment & Selection

M&m Services offers a wide range of services to support the research and administration of recruitment agencies.

These services are based on more than 12 years experience in direct search, both on a national and an international level and through all kinds of sectors and functions. Our clients are large and small agencies, general recruiters and niche players, Belgian and foreign recruiters...

We know from our own experience that it is very time-consuming to find the right candidate for a vacancy. Moreover, a recruitment agency should always have enough research capacity for all projects, but at the same these people need some challenge and evolution in their job to stay motivated. Finally holidays, ilness and unexpected projects can cause a lack of capacity.

In those cases, you can fall back on M&m Services for one or more steps of the recruitment process:

  • drawing up a target list
  • contacting companies to identify potential candidates or to map the organization (identification - long listing)
  • contacting potential candidates for a telephone screening and possibly an appointment with your consultant (short listing)

Moreover, we can take over some other tasks, such as:

  • make appointments with candidates who applied by post or e-mail
  • update your database
  • organize jobhappenings, recruitment days or info days
  • ...

Our clients

M&m Services made a deliberate choice only to work for recruitment agencies and not directly for large companies. Hence, we avoid the risk of taking over your client - which means that we would compete with our own clients. 

Confidentiality of data

A recruitment agency's largest capital is the people and the database. This makes a collaboration with an external researcher an important decision: valuable data should be shared with someone else, who at the same time works for several agencies.

We fully understand and support this concern ! After all, we have been working as a consultant for years. That's the reason why M&m Services does not offer file searches or list brokerage and does not have a central database. 
All data gathered in our activities are stored per client and per project, but are not assembled. If you should ask us the reactive a specific search, we can off course fall back on these data, but they remain your unique property.
Moreover we guarantee total confidentiality of all information given by you or your (potential) candidate.

There are no problems, only solutions!

  M&m Services bvba - Derbystraat 31 - 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem - +32 9 241 76 76